Welcome to the University of Scranton SBDC Blog!
We hope you will check back often to see what’s happening at the SBDC, to ask questions about starting and running a successful business and to tell us about yourself and what you need to succeed in the small business world.
The SBDC offers FREE and CONFIDENTIAL one-on-one consulting to small business owners and those thinking about starting a business. The SBDC also offers training and educational programs in various aspects of small business management, start up, and business planning. We will be sure to post upcoming trainings to the blog!
In the meantime, be sure to check in for tips in strengthening and running your business in a difficult economy.
The network of SBDCs is 18 strong in Pennsylvania. For a list of where the PA SBDCs are located, go here: http://www.pasbdc.org/. Not just limited to Pennsylvania, the SBDC network can be found nationwide. For a listing of an SBDC near you, go here: http://www.asbdc.org/.
The SBDC network in PA is funded by the Small Business Administration and the Department of Community and Economic Development (Commonwealth of Pennsylvania), as well as, in most cases, by the college and university host institutions at which they are located. This public/private partnership allows you to access small business assistance to assist you in keeping your operations competitive, viable and successful.
For more information on the Scranton SBDC program, go here: https://www.scrantonsbdc.com/.