If you own a diesel-powered motor vehicle or a property that allows owners of diesel-powered vehicles to park, you need to know about the Diesel Powered Motor Vehicle Idling Act 124 (SB 295). This Act restricts the idling of diesel-powered motor vehicles.
Commercial and school bus drivers, as well as truck drivers, are affected. Specifically, the Act prohibits: “diesel-powered motor vehicle with a gross weight of 10,001 pounds or more engaged in commerce” from causing the engine of the vehicles to idle for more than five minutes in any continuous 60-minute period There are certain exemptions, which include school buses and/or vehicles needing to maintain heat or air conditioning for children or special needs children. The Act is enforceable through fines from $150 to $300 per violation and through enforcement orders and civil penalties.
To read more of the Act click on the word.
This information is presented for our clients who may own bus companies, or independent truck companies. If you have further questions on how this law may apply to you, please contact the SBDC.