If you have ever thought about packaging up that sauce that everyone tells you is SOOOO good, and selling it in the food marketplace, you may want to attend the Nebraska National Small Food Manufacturer Conference, April 23-24, 2009 in Lincoln, Nebraska. For more information on the conference go here: http://www.fpc.unl.edu/nsfmc/ (a nice overview of the conference, topics and break out sessions).
More local, and upcoming, is the Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture’s (PASA) http://www.pasafarming.org/conf2009/ farming for the future conference held in State College. If you farm or are a producer in Pennsylvania, this is a must go! Let us know if you are going to be there, and after the conference, let us know what session you liked best!!!
If you have other questions with regard to developing your specialty product, you can contact our Agribusiness and Food Specialty Center at (570) 941-7588. Ask to speak with Maria or Elaine!