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#BusinessTipTuesday – World Password Day

This year on May 3rd, it is World Password Day. This holiday is celebrated on the first Thursday of May each year and is in honor of creating smarter password habits. Passwords are the key to keeping accounts and devices safe from others. Whether it is a security code to get into your building, a keyword for your email, or a lock pad for files in your office the importance of having a smart password or passcode is what keeps your accounts, and your business, safe from intruders.


In today’s day and age with the Internet being used for almost everything and by almost everyone it is important to be sure that your passwords are smart and safe from others trying to hack into your business. In the news you see big businesses such as Target, Home Depot, and Sony all being invaded by hackers. No matter how big or small your business is, it is important that things are secure. So, how does your small business keep from being compromised?


Here are a few different articles that help to keep your business safe.

·     Top Ten Cybersecurity Tips

·     Tips For A Strong & Secure Password

·     How To Keep Online Business Information Safe 


Another way to insure that your business is safe is to constantly keep up to date on security and research. Whether it is finding more information through studies or attending seminars, by staying current with the newest forms of security you are doing yourself and your business a great service. The University of Scranton is offering a Cybersecurity event on May 4thin Wysox, PA. For more information on this event please visit,


Danielle Guari
Business Consultant
The University of Scranton
Small Business Development Center

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