As entrepreneurs, you know that owning your own business isn’t a 9-5 job. Sometimes you have to work late nights, weekends, and holidays to provide the best value to your customers. This is why today we celebrate National Wear Your Pajamas to Work Daytoday because without our comfy pajamas or sweatpants we wouldn’t be able to get through those long hardworking nights! According to The Alternative Board, 84% of entrepreneurs work overtime. Therefore, how can we maintain that work life balance? It is actually very simple—plan and prioritize. Don’t let the small things such as emails and minor administrative tasks take your day away, especially from your family and friends. To help plan and prioritize better, get yourself a Passion Planner. A Passion Planner organizes an entrepreneur’s life in the best way possible! The planner organizes your day from 6 AM to 10:30 PM at night by the half hour. It has personal and work “To-Do” list, and every week has a “Space of infinite possibility”. This is for when ideas pop up in your head, you always have a place to jot them down! The planner also provides you with many motivational sections: Quotes inspiring you every week, monthly reflections, and goal setting. This day is to celebrate your hard work as small business owners, and not only give yourself a pat on the back, but your pajamas for getting you through those stressful nights.
Sydney Garofolo
SBDC Intern
The University of Scranton Small Business Development Center
#sbdc #scranton